Thursday, October 10, 2024

Inversion in IELTS Writing – My IELTS Classroom Blog

If there is one sentence structure that IELTS students are obsessed with, it is inversion. But, as Nick said today “Not only do I hate inversion, but I wish the students would forget it!”...

Fun Vocabulary Activities for End of the School Year

The easiest way to use the activities and games is simply as whole-class instruction, and to perhaps pick...

How to write a formal letter

Before tackling the structure of a formal letter, the first thing to establish is what type of letter you need to write. You can discover this easily by answering the question: Why do I...

Fanboys Grammar Examples!

What Does Conjunction Mean?A conjunction is a word that grammatically connects two words, phrases, or independent clauses together. The most common examples are words like “and” and “but.”For example,“I took the subway, and got off...

How To Use Stative Verbs In English • Speak better English with Harry

Now, there are certain verbs that you can use in the simple format or you can use them with the -ing or the continuous format, and there is no difference in the meaning....

Studying English in Boston | Ginseng English

HistoryBoston is a city with a lot of historical importance. Boston is a peninsula that has been inhabited for at least 2,000 years, originally by Native Americans, who called the land Shawmut....

Re-Starting After Taking a Language Study Break

Listen to the “Re-Starting After Taking a Break from Your Language Studies” blog audio. I’ve been studying the Italian language for a very. long. time. Unfortunately, I’ve also been taking breaks from language study for...

A Spoonful of Grammar – LAURA FINEBERG COOPER

​Writers and readers alike are more familiar and comfortable with this tense. Drumroll, please! PAST TENSE is the subject of today's spoonful. How can you tell if a book is written in the PAST TENSE? First, examine...

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