Friday, December 27, 2024

80 Collective Nouns for Animal Groups (Infographic)

Share this and inspire others, or save for later: Want this infographic on your site? Embed code: <a href=""><img src="" alt="80 Collective Nouns for Animal Groups (Infographic)" /></a><br />Source: <a href=""></a> Detect even difficult-to-spot writing mistakes: Free Checks -...

How Proper Grammar Improves Persuasion in Business Writing

Why is Proper Grammar Essential in Business Writing?The essential role of proper grammar in business writing extends far beyond basic correctness. Grammar serves as a powerful tool that shapes how your message is...

The Grammarphobia Blog: Keep your pecker up

Q: In Confusion (1993), a novel set in the early ’40s and part of her “Cazalet Chronicle,” Elizabeth Jane Howard uses “keep your pecker up” to mean keep your spirits up. “Pecker”? I’ve always thought...

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