Thursday, October 10, 2024



Phrasal verbs are a combination of two words; (Verb + preposition) or (verb + adverb)It can always be fun to use phrasal verbs in a conversation. It helps you boost your vocabulary and give a spark to your talks.Here are the phrasal verbs that can be used to express different emotions. 1. CHEER UPThis phrasal verb is used to encourage others to have a positive attitude.Example: Hey! Cheer up; you will do better next time 2. LASH OUT AT (SOMEONE)This phrasal verb is used to describe when someone criticise or shout angrily at somebody.Example: As the kids were not obeying, she lashed out at them. 3. CRACK UPThis phrasal verb is used for a sudden laugh.Example: The students cracked up as the music teacher entered the class wearing a weird cap. 4. CALM DOWNThis phrasal verb is used to relax the anger.Example: You need to calm down before talking to your seniors. 5. LET DOWNThis phrasal verb is used to express disappointment.Example: No child should let their parents down. 6. BOTTLE UPThis phrasal verb is used when someone hides their feelings and fails to express.Example: It is not healthy to bottle up your feelings. 7. BLOW UPThis phrasal verb is used to express anger.Example: Don’t blow up at me, it wasn’t my mistake. 8. FREAK OUTThis phrasal verb is used to express anxiousness or fear.Example: People freaked out when they heard the news.  Like this:Like Loading…Related

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