Thursday, October 10, 2024

Understanding IELTS Band Scores: A Guide


Why does my Test Report Form have more than one band score?You will receive a band score for each individual section of the test (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) and an overall band score. This means there will be 5 numbers in total on your scoresheet (known as the Test Report Form): (1) a band score for Listening, (2) one for Reading, (3) another for Writing, (4) another for Speaking, and finally, (5) an overall band score.Can I receive decimal scores?Yes, IELTS can award half scores. This means that you might receive a score rounded to the .5 decimal, such as 6.5, 7.5 or 8.5. However, IELTS will not award scores to any other decimal (i.e. you won’t receive a 7.3 or an 8.7). If the average of your individual section scores is a decimal higher or lower than .5, your score will be rounded (for example, a 6.25 raw average becomes a 6.5 band score).I got a 6.5 in Speaking. Does this mean I’m a ‘Competent User (6)’ or ‘Good User (7)’?If you receive a score ending with .5, it’s an indicator that you fall somewhere between two band scores. To award a score of 6.5, the examiner noted that the user’s language proficiency is not fully demonstrative of a Band 7 speaker but they are more proficient than a Band 6 user.For a more in-depth look at IELTS scoring, check out this article written by one of our teachers.

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