Thursday, December 26, 2024

List of the 50 Most Important Phobias


Here is a list of important Phobias. Phobia is actually an undue fear for some imaginative or real incident.

Phobia is originated from Phobos, the Roman god of fear. He was the son of Ares and Aphrodite. He mainly appears in an assistanrole to his father and causes disorder in battles.

List of 50 Most Important Phobias:

1. Acousticophobia – Fear of sounds

2. Ailurophobia –  Fear of cats

3. Algophobia –  Fear of pain

4. Androphobia – Fear of males

5. Astraphobia – Fear of lightning

6. CacophobiaFear of ugliness

7. Callophobia – Fear of beauty

8. Chromophobia – Fear of colours

9. Chronophobia – Fear of time

10. Cynophobia Fear of dogs

11. Dermatophobia – Fear of skin

12. Dipsophobia – Fear of thirst

13. Entomophobia – Fear of insects

14. Ergophobia – Fear of work

15. Erythrophobia – Fear of  the colour red

16. Gamophobia – Fear of marriage 

17. Genophobia – Fear of birth 

18. Genophobia – Fear of sex

19. Geraphobia – Fear of old age

20. Gerontophobia – Fear of old men

21. Graphophobia – Fear of writing

22. Gynaephobia – Fear of women

23. Haematophobia – Fear of blood

24. Hydrophobia – Fear of water

25. Hypnophobia – Fear of sleep

26. Kleptophobia – Fear of stealing

27. Kleptophobia – Fear of thieves

28. Logophobia – Fear of speech

29. Logophobia – Fear of study

30. Logophobia –  Fear of words

31. Metrophobia – Fear of motherhood

32. Ochlophobia – Fear of crowd or mob

33. Odontophobia – Fear of teeth

34. Ophthalmophobia – Fear of eyes

35. Paedophobia – Fear of  children

36. Pathophobia – Fear of diseases

37. Peniophobia – Fear of poverty 

38. Pharmacophobia – Fear of medicine

39. Phasmophobia – Fear of ghosts

40. Plutophobia – Fear of wealth

41. Pyrophobia – Fear of fire

42. Scelerophobia – Fear of burglars

43. Spectrophobia – Fear of mirrors

44. Thalasophobia – Fear of oceans

45. Thermophobia – Fear of heat

46. Toxicophobia – Fear of poison

47. Triskaidecaphobia – Fear of the number ‘13

48. Xenophobia – Fear of foreigners

49. Xenophobia – Fear of strangers

50. Zoophobia Fear of animals

51.  Claustrophobia  Fear of confined places.

52.  Catrophobia  Fear of doctors.  (Also Iatrophobia.)

That’s all about the most important phobias. Important for SSC, PCS and other government exams.

List of the 50 Most Important Phobias

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