Thursday, October 10, 2024

English Idioms related to speed


In this vocabulary lesson, you will learn 9 English idioms and expressions related to speed.

In the blink of an eye

Meaning: When something happens “in the blink of an eye“, it happens very quickly. Something happens so quickly that you don’t see it!

The fire destroyed the house in the blink of an eye.He became a millionaire in the blink of an eye.

at breakneck speed

Meaning: very fast. Faster than normal

He was driving at breakneck speed before the accident.Scientists developed the COVID vaccine at breakneck speed.

drag your heels

“heel” is part of your foot. It is at the back and bottom of the foot.

Form: drag your heels on somethingMeaning: do something slowly because you don’t want to do it

Mark is dragging his heels on looking for a job.John is dragging his heels on cleaning the house.

A similar idiom is “drag your feet“. The meaning and form is exactly the same as “drag your heels“.

at the drop of a hat

Meaning: Do something immediately without stopping to think about it.

The manager is very strict. He will fire you at the drop of a hat!Soldiers must be ready to defend their country at the drop of a hat.

fast track something

Meaning: Make it easier for something to happen. Make it easier for someone to achieve something more quickly than usual.

The American embassy fast tracked my visa application.The government fast tracked financial assistance after the earthquake.

full steam ahead

Meaning: Do something quickly with lots of energy and enthusiasm. If a project is “full steam ahead“, nothing is going to stop the project because we are very motivated for the project to advance.

It’s full steam ahead for the construction of a new block of flats.Prime Minister: It’s full steam ahead for the fight against crime.

get your skates on

Meaning: Hurry up !

The train is going to leave. Get your skates on!You’re late. Get your skates on!

A similar idiom is “put your skates on“. The meaning and form is exactly the same as “get your skates on“.

have a quick temper

Meaning: A person who becomes angry very easily.

Jane’s boss has a quick temper.David divorced Clare because she has a quick temper.

“speed away” and “speed off”

Meaning: Leave somewhere very quickly in a vehicle.Past form and past participle of “speed” is “sped“.

He sped away from the accident on a motorcycle.He sped off from the accident on a motorcycle.

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