Thursday, October 10, 2024

IELTS Speaking Explained: Grammatical Range and Accuracy


In order to become more accurate, you need to take care of the errors that you may have in the way you use English grammar. You should record your answers when you practice and listen back for grammatical errors. Tackle them one by one through learning with a friend or taking up an IELTS preparation class. Mistakes also can negatively affect your accuracy. Understand your mistakes in the use of articles, plurals, uncountable nouns, subject-verb agreement, verb tenses and prepositions and work on them. What you can do best is to prepare yourself to use the correct grammar structure in the various parts of the speaking test so that your chances of making a mistake are reduced. For example- Part 1and 2 usually require past tense, not always but use it wherever required. Learn the past tense forms of some regular and irregular verbs to be more accurate. In part 3, use ‘will/going to/I hope to’ to talk about future possibilities. Though we’ve been talking much about the need of having a variety of grammatical structures and their accurate use, you do not have to panic. Remember, not all sentences need to be complex. You do not need to compromise your accuracy for the sake of introducing a variety of sentences. Get over your nervousness and communicate confidently. Practice with a friend and reduce systematic errors. Invest some time in learning new grammatical patterns. Record your answers while practising and listen for mistakes like subject-verb agreement, use of articles, etc and try not to repeat them. 

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