Thursday, October 10, 2024

Forgetting words when speaking English? Let’s fix it! 


In my online IELTS Speaking GOLD course, students may watch a lesson, study 10 words from that lesson, and finally try to have a conversation in the speaking practice rooms, but they sometimes say,I can’t use all the words perfectly, why?Simple; because they are only at the start of the learning process.If you read a word list, memorise the words and think you have learnt them – it’s like you get on a train, sit down and then think you have arrived at your destination…but the train is still moving!You haven’t arrived. You have actually only just started your journey!The key to learning vocabulary effectively, is not to memorise words and think,Come on, I should be there now, I should be able to use it!No; change your mindset.Stay on the train and enjoy the journey – go through the whole process of learning new vocabulary. 

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