
All You Need to Know

You can now take IELTS at home in some countries, with the new 'IELTS Online' Test.IELTS Online is a secure online English language test...

Using Substitution in IELTS to Improve Writing Coherency

This lesson shows you how you can use substitution in IELTS to increase your band score.  If you look at the IELTS band descriptors, you'll see that...

May 22, IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 6 Examples

More IELTS writing task 2 band 6 examples from essays submitted by candidates practising for the test.

The Grammarphobia Blog: Why ‘sightseeing,’ not ‘siteseeing’?

Q: Since both “sight” and “site” can refer to a place, why do we use the first one, not the second, in the term...

Helping Verbs & Verb Phrases

Helping verbs (auxiliary verbs) do just what their name implies. They help the main verb in the sentence by telling more about the verb's tense, mood,...

The rustle of a print dress

Q: Sometimes in books set in the 1920s and ’30s, mainly in Agatha Christie’s books, I’ll see a reference to a maid wearing a...

Christmas Song Lyrics Diagrammed

We had a big winter storm here in Minnesota recently, and it made me especially happy that my family and I had ventured to...

The Grammarphobia Blog: When ‘stopping’ means ‘staying’

Q: I’m an old movie buff who likes to research some of the forgotten usages in pre-1950 movies. One usage I’ve noticed is “stopping”...

What is an interjection?

What is an interjection? How should you punctuate an interjection? My daughter, Alice, and I will teach you! Do you know what the parts of...

The Grammarphobia Blog: Dog days: Are you pooped?

Q: How did the expression “dog days” change from meaning the hottest time of the year to a period of sluggishness or stagnation? A: When...

16 Boring Adjectives & What to Use Instead (Infographic)

Share this and inspire others, or save for later: Want this infographic on your site? Embed code: <a href="https://www.grammarcheck.net/boring-adjectives/"><img src="https://cdn.grammarcheck.net/boring-adjectives.jpg" alt="16 Boring Adjectives & What to Use...

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All You Need to Know

You can now take IELTS at home in some...

Using Substitution in IELTS to Improve Writing Coherency

This lesson shows you how you can use substitution in IELTS...

May 22, IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 6 Examples

More IELTS writing task 2 band 6 examples from...

Truthfulness in Relationships Essay: How important is it?

In any relationship, the importance of truthfulness is a...