Thursday, October 10, 2024

👉 Linking Words: List of Sentence Connectors in English with Examples! 😃


Struggling to connect ideas? ‘Connectors in English’ have your back. Connect, express, and impress – all with Connectors in English!Connectors DefinitionLinker Words or Word Connectors are used to link large groups of words: phrases and sentences. You can also use them to connect paragraphs to give them coherence. Sentence connectors are usually placed at the beginning of a sentence and may be categorized as follows:👉 CONTRAST1. HOWEVERThis restaurant has the best kitchen in town. However, their staff are quite rude.2. IN CONTRASTHouse prices have gone up this year. In contrast, car prices seem to be stagnating.3. NEVERTHELESSI was in so much pain I didn’t want to get up in the morning. Nevertheless, I went to football practice as usual.4. NONETHELESSI don’t think Sean has serious behavioural problems. Nonetheless, I’ll talk to him first thing in the morning.5. YETI’ve asked you a thousand times not to leave your dirty socks on the floor. Yet, you keep doing it.6. ON THE OTHER HANDEngland has the best language schools. On the other hand, it has the worst weather.7. BY COMPARISONGoing out with Jim has its risks. By comparison, being with Tim is as easy as falling off a log.8. ON THE CONTRARYI don’t hate Jim. On the contrary, I’m rather fond of him.9. INSTEADI didn’t want to take a side in the argument. Instead, I put my headphones on and listened to some smooth jazz.10. IN ANY CASEI was thinking of going round Jim’s place. In any case, I haven’t been invited.11. ALL THE SAMEYes, he’s very good-looking. All the same, I don’t think you should go out with him.Read more:Other ways to say ON THE OTHER HAND!👉 SIMILARITY1. LIKEWISEYou can’t give your phone number to every man who asks for it. Likewise, you can’t go out with everyone who fancies you.2. SIMILARLYYou’re not allowed to use your phone here. Similarly, you have to switch it off when you’re in the library.3. CORRESPONDINGLYShe’s an excellent photographer. Correspondingly, her paintings are works of art.4. IN THE SAME WAYCutting down on sugar will help you lose weight. In the same way, doing more exercise will help you get rid of a few kilos.5. ALSOI want to talk to Prince Harry when I’m in England. Also, I want to meet his sister-in-law.Read more:Difference between COMPARED TO and COMPARED WITH👉 RESULT1. AS A RESULTI’ve done a pranic healing course. As a result, I’ve been able to cure my neighbour’s sick cat.2. AS A CONSEQUENCEZack has skipped school on many occasions. As a consequence, he’s failed his French test.3. THEREFOREWe’re going to experience some meteor showers in the next few days. Therefore, the number of miraculous self-healings will rise.4. THUSYou didn’t tell me you wanted to come. Thus, we won’t be taking you with us.5. ACCORDINGLYPlenty of tourists visit the area in summer. Accordingly, selling hand-made objects is the main source of income for locals.Read more:6 Ways to Improve Your English Writing Skills👉 SEQUENCING1. FIRST, FIRSTLY, FIRST OF ALL, IN THE FIRST PLACEFirst of all, I’d like to talk about the benefits of having a pet pig.2. TO BEGIN WITHTo begin with, pet pigs are cleaner than dogs.3. FOR ONE THINGFor one thing, they’re completely loyal to their owners.4. SECOND, SECONDLY, IN THE SECOND PLACESecondly, their impressive numeracy skills must be mentioned.5. FOR ANOTHER THINGFor another thing, you might want to consider how cute they look in pyjamas.6. THIRD, THIRDLY, IN THE THIRD PLACEIn the third place, you can always count on your pet pig to perform some tricks for you when you’d like to impress a pretty girl.7. ALSOAlso, they don’t eat much.8. BESIDESBesides not eating much, they won’t ever chew on your electric cords.9. IN ADDITIONIn addition, they can be taught to feed themselves if you allow them access to your pantry.10. FURTHERMOREFurthermore, they make wonderful walking buddies.11. MOREOVERMoreover, they’ll show you the way home when you’re drunk.12. FINALLYFinally, pet pigs are fantastic guards. No burglar would ever have the heart to hurt a pet pig.13. LAST, LASTLY, LAST OF ALLLastly, your reputation as an eccentric will rapidly grow in the neighbourhood if you’re seen walking a pet pig on a leash every morning.Read more:18 Powerful Websites to Improve Your Writing Skills in English👉 ORDER OF IMPORTANCE1. MOST IMPORTANTLYI’d like to talk to you about how to keep calm at your workplace. Most importantly, never go to the canteen while your boss is there.2. PRIMARILYYou’ll have to focus on your immediate surroundings. Primarily, on your computer screen.3. ABOVE ALLAbove all, don’t ever look up from your notes when people are around.4. MOST SIGNIFICANTLYMost significantly, avoid eye-contact at all costs.5. ESSENTIALLY, BASICALLY (usually spoken)How can I put this? Essentially, having an affair with one of your colleagues should be the last thing on your mind.Read more:7 Special Apps To Quickly Improve Your Typing Speed👉 PARTICULARIZATION1. IN PARTICULAR, PARTICULARLYNearly a third of marriages end in divorce. In particular, it’s middle-aged couples that yearn for much more from life.2. MORE SPECIFICALLYCouples tend to argue about financial issues. More specifically, they argue when one of them is out of work.Read more:How Many Types of Expressions there are in English?👉 EXAMPLIFICATION1. FOR EXAMPLETo solve this problem, you might want to try making small gestures. For example, making your spouse’s favourite meal for dinner or giving him a massage after a tiring day.2. FOR INSTANCEAppreciate the small things your spouse does for you. For instance, leave thank-you notes for them every now and then.3. TO ILLUSTRATEMisunderstandings can be highly destructive. To illustrate, if your spouse sees you with a friend of the opposite sex in a café, he might not understand why he hasn’t been invited and demand an explanation.Read more:Other ways to say for example?👉 EXPLANATION1. THAT IS TO SAY, THAT ISKeep romance alive. That is to say, don’t let your lovelife fall into routine.2. NAMELYI have a very good reason for not trusting my ex. Namely, he’s a convicted felon.3. IN OTHER WORDSDon’t be unsociable. In other words, go out and make some friends.4. PUT DIFFERENTLYJohn has managed to get over Jane. Put differently, he’s started seeing other women.Read more:10 Common English Expressions with Explanation (Video)👉 EMPHASISING1. AS A MATTER OF FACTI love sleeping with my pet pig. As a matter of fact, I can’t fall asleep unless he’s in my bed.2. IN FACTI told them not to invite Rachel to the party. In fact, I was the only person who saw what a party pooper she really was.3. ACTUALLYI think it would be a good idea to send her some flowers. Actually, you should get her a hundred orchids.4. INDEEDHe may be the best-dressed man around. Indeed, he has a really good taste in fashion.Read more:Essential Academic Writing Examples and Phrases!👉 FOCUSING AND LINKING1. AS FOR (often suggests disinterest or dislike)I’m going to Janet’s party at the weekend. As for Mary’s, I think I’ll pass.2. WITH RESPECT TOStarting your own IT company may be the one of the best things you can do right now. With respect to opening a pet shop, it’s hard to say the same thing.3. REGARDINGStart your day with making the most important phone calls. Regarding emails, you might put them off until later.4. WITH REGARD TOWith regard to handling complaints, you might want to keep in mind that your customers are always right.5. AS REGARDSWorking from home has many advantages. As regards disadvantages, it might be difficult to keep your cat off your keyboard.6. TALKING OFTalking of cats, you can’t trust them to keep you company when you need it. They’re quite selfish creatures.7. AS FAR AS … CONCERNEDAs far as dogs are concerned, they might give you a chance to get up from your desk and get some exercise during the day.Read more:English Grammar: Sentence Structure in English👉 CONCLUSION1. IN CONCLUSIONIn conclusion, it may be said that pigs make the best pets.2. IN BRIEFMeeting my boss at the pub was an interesting experience. In brief, it was a disaster.3. IN SUMMARYIn summary, it may not be the best idea to frequent the same pubs as your boss.4. TO SUM UPTo sum up, some people are better suited to working from home than others.5. ALL IN ALLAll in all, you have to make sure both you and your customers are satisfied with your work.Read more:What are the other ways to say in conclusion?👉 CORRECTION1. RATHERI thought it was a good idea to get a ferret. Rather, it had always been my dream to get one.2. TO BE MORE PRECISEYou might want to change a few things. To be more precise, I think you should start again from scratch.Read more:Best English Grammar and Spelling Checkers Online👉 TIME1. AT FIRSTIt wasn’t a piece of cake to learn English. At first, I couldn’t pronounce all the words correctly.2. THENThen, I couldn’t spell all the words correctly.3. AFTERWARDSAfterwards, I had a hard time understanding the tenses.4. LATERLater, I couldn’t memorize phrasal verbs and idioms.5. IN THE MEANTIMEIn the meantime, I was getting some help from MyEnglishTeacher.6. MEANWHILEMeanwhile, I was enjoying my skype lessons more and more.Read more:A Visual List of 100 English IDIOMS FOR TIME with Examples👉 DISMISSAL(of what was said before)1. ANYWAYI couldn’t get my head around the Passive Voice. Anyway, I don’t think it’s important to use it all the time.2. ANYHOWAnyhow, I’ve just decided to learn Russian next.3. AT ANY RATEAt any rate, I don’t want to become a simultaneous interpreter in five languages.Linking Words Quiz › TEST YOURSELFAll the ballots have been accounted for. ____________, we’ve also double-checked the amount and cross-referenced the names.The fundraiser was a tremendous success because there were over a hundred people attending. _____________, we made thousands of dollars in donations._______________ you don’t shift gears from 1st to 3rd, ____________ you can’t shift from 1st into reverse.This is not a viable option for many reasons. _____________, we simply don’t have the budget.If we expand operations in these highlighted sectors we’ll double our earnings. ____________, the company will be able to expand to other cities.If you can’t find parking here we should head into the city center. There’s a parking garage _________________ of the theater.I would like to order a pizza. _____________, can I have a coke with that please.You remember Sam from school? I met him just before work. ___________, we’re going to go get a drink.I’m going to go out with Jake, since he’s asked me so many times. _______________, what have I got to lose.During this drill you’ll need to focus on your target. ______________, I want you to engage the enemy and secure the hostages.He never listens to me! ________________, we have to talk about the new fiscal year.I did feel something for Jason before we broke up. _______________, he did lie to me often.This argument is not clearly formulated in your thesis. ______________, it remains unclear what your overarching goal is.________________, we have to address the main issue. It’s important that we all recognize our own fault in the matter.I know you really liked him, but he’s a jerk. _______________, you’re better off without him.According to this theory, the main character can also function as the antagonist. ______________, their role is perfect for the role of antagonist in this situation.We’re going to have to change your graphics card. ________________, the motherboard is incompatible with the one you currently have.This housing project will bring so many jobs to the local community. _______________, the quality of life will also improve.Bring the presents down to the car, ____________ don’t forget the flower for mom.You need to go down the street for three blocks, and then make a right turn at the intersection. _____________ you’ll find the Chinese restaurant you’re looking for._____________ Lisa is _____________, Miranda can take over the research and development department.The bills have gone up this month considerably. __________________, I think we’ll be canceling some of the subscriptions we have.We’ve been working on this presentation for weeks now and Mark hasn’t contributed anything. _______________, I believe he hasn’t even read the materials._______________, I’d like to thank everyone for being here on this rainy day. ______________, I’d like to thank our sponsors for making all this possible.His mom told him so many times not to play on ice. __________, he didn’t listen until he slipped.This item is something we offer. ____________, we don’t have it in stock.The doctor will be with you shortly. ______________, help yourself to some of our magazines, and there’s an activity corner for the children.Mom said your friends can’t be in the study, since all of dad’s stuff is there. ______________, she doesn’t want you near his rifle collection.People say English is so easy to learn. _________________, most of them are not aware of the all the grammatical complexities.We’re not going to get a table at the Italian place this late. ____________, we can go to the Greek place just down the street.👉 Connectors SynonymsConnectors are not only used in grammar. Connectors are things that are used to connect or tether two, or more, things together. There are many different synonyms for connectors:Examples:Bond, coupling, joint, link, adapter, clamp, fastener, junction, tie, terminal, plug, fitting, splicing, fastener, sleeve, etc.👉 Sentence DefinitionA sentence is a set of words that forms a coherent and complete thought and message. This means that a sentence says something concrete. It has to be structured and logical in order for the sentence to be correct.Sentences are made up of various parts, such as: nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, articles, etc. Within a sentence, there are parts that relate the thought and message, such as: subject, predicate, object, phrase, punctuation, etc. Each of these parts is important for a sentence to be complete.Through sentences we tell other people what we think, feel, or what we want to do. In order to relate those thoughts we string together words into groups. These finally relate our message to other people and the world.There are four different types of sentences, and each has its own specific goal and structure. These types are: declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory.

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