Thursday, October 10, 2024

How To Use Articles Correctly In English


articles with bed, school, prison, university, etcNo article is used when they are used for their primary purpose.✅ I go to bed every night at 10 o’clock.❌ I go to the bed every night at 10 o’clock.Michael is in bed.Jonathan has just got out of bed.When the person who should be there is there, then we don’t use the article.My children go to school every day.The children normally spend their time in school.My friend is sick and is in hospital.Sick people usually spend their time in hospital.I go to church on Sundays.People who are following their religion tend to go to church on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday.My son is 20 and is studying economics in university.Students who study spend their time in universities.If people are not normally there, then we use the article THE.I went to the school to attend a parent-teacher meeting.I’m a parent, I’m not normally at that school. I went to the school for the meeting.I visited my friend in the hospital because she was sick.I am well, but I went to the hospital to visit my friend.When I go to new cities, I like to visit the churches in that cities.I am not normally in that city. I like to see how they’re designed.There was a ceremony in the university for the graduates.I attended it because I’m a parent of one of the graduates.

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