Thursday, October 10, 2024

Infinitve Or Gerund?


How do you know if a verb is followed by the infinitive or by the gerund? For example is it “He admitted to make the mistake” or “He admitted making the mistake”?Do you have to remember each verb separately, or is there an easier way?In this new video, I share a way to remember verbs by groups of meaning. This method will help you to save time AND feel more confident when you speak.In the video find out:– which groups of verbs are followed by the infinitive – which groups of verbs are followed by the gerund– which groups of verbs can be followed by the infinitive or the gerund (with a change in meaning)– which groups of verbs can be followed by the infinitive or the gerund (without a change in meaning)AND: Get examples for each verbThis video is part of my new training course “The 10 Steps For Advanced English“. If you like the video and want more training to get to an advanced level of English, click the button below the video.

The 10 Steps for Advanced English

Fact: You need correct English grammar to get respect from your colleagues, business partners and customers.

In my new grammar training program, I share the rules and short cuts so that you feel confident in English. We’ll look at the 10 important areas for advanced English.

And for the first time ever, you can ask me YOUR questions – and I’ll reply to you. You get unlimited access to me (your ‘Grammar Tutor’) in this program! Click the button below for all the details!

Get The 10 Steps For Advanced English

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