Thursday, October 10, 2024

How To Use Stative Verbs In English • Speak better English with Harry


Now, there are certain verbs that you can use in the simple format or you can use them with the -ing or the continuous format, and there is no difference in the meaning. Let me give you an example of those.acheSo you’ve been working in the garden, and you’re getting ready for the spring, you can come home and say,Oh, my back aches, my back aches. StativeOh, my back is really aching. Dynamic The meaning is the same. hurtI was running in the park and I fell over a brick or a stick or on some pothole in the ground,Oh, my foot hurts. StativeOh, my foot is hurting. DynamicfeelThe classic one here was about feel. Somebody will ask you in the morning,How do you feel? StativeHow are you feeling today? DynamicExactly the same, the meaning is identical.lookYour daughter is getting ready to go to her graduation ball and she’s bought a new dress and you turn to your husband and say, Wow, she looks really good in that dress. Stative She’s looking really good today. DynamicThe meaning exactly the same.Well, hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this particular lesson on how to use stative verbs in English. If you want to contact me, well, of course, you can do so on comments that you have, I’m very happy to hear them. Thanks for listening. Join me again soon.

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