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How to read the news in English

How to read the news in English

The news is perhaps the most common thing for language learners to read in English, but it needs to be chosen carefully and read correctly for this to be manageable and effective. This article gives thirteen tips on selecting news sources, reading them the right way, then learning the language that they present.   Deciding if news is the best thing to read or not Many people read the news in English without thinking about whether that is really what they want to and should be reading. News has the advantage of a wide range of vocabulary that often reoccurs, and the same topics possibly coming up in conversation, for example in your future English classes. However, reading the news is less useful as preparation for normal English conversation such as small talk, for reading in English language exams, for people who aren’t that interested in news even in their own language, for people who need more basic vocabulary first, etc. As the stories are quickly gone and replaced by others, it may also be that the language stays in your head less successfully than it would if you read fiction such as graded readers based on famous movies.   How to make reading the news in English easier Reading local news
Reading English-language news from your country, city, region, etc is easier because you are likely to be more familiar with the background to the story and it may be written at least partly by someone from your country. It may also be more useful than reading news from the USA, etc, because such news stories are more likely to come up in conversation. It will also teach you common English ways of explaining things from your country like the names of political parties and famous buildings. Preparing before reading the news With less familiar news stories and sources, you can make the experience more similar to reading about your own country by doing some prep first such as reading about it in your own language before you start reading about it in English or reading the Wikipedia page on the general topic. Reading graded news Reading news that is written or rewritten for language learners is not only easier, but should also meant that more common and therefore more useful vocabulary has been used. Cultural information that you might not be familiar with is also often explained. Following the same news story As long as it doesn’t become boring, reading more about the same disaster, war, political scandal, etc, is likely to bring up the same vocabulary, making it both easier and good revision. Reading another version of the same story on the same day is especially good for this, and is also very interesting because it shows how people’s points of view can vary.   Where to read the news in English Even using the tips above to make reading the news easier, you may find the structure of English newspaper stories a bit strange until you get used to it. More than other languages such as Japanese, English news stories tend to start with the newest news and then work back, with the background coming later. This also means that they aren’t a good model for your own English writing and are unlike reading in English language exams like IELTS. You might therefore find it easier and/ or more useful to read stories that summarise and give more background on the news such as stories from news magazines such as Newsweek and Time. When it comes to actual newspapers, ones which look difficult such as broadsheet financial newspapers tend to actually be easier than tabloids with lots of colour pictures, as the latter have lots of idioms, jokes in the headlines, etc. Best of all are kind of mid-market/ mid-brow ones which are more serious without being too heavy.   How to read the news in English As with all kinds of reading in English, you can make sure that the experience is not too boring and is like real-life reading but also produces useful language to learn. This can be done by reading at natural speed just for enjoyment, interest and general comprehension, but underlining language that you’d like to look up later as you do so. This way of reading is best done on paper, as it easier to underline. In addition, the fact that it is more difficult to look words up if you aren’t using an electronic device makes it easier to resist stopping each time that something is difficult to understand.   How much news to read in English A good time to stop is when you have between ten and twenty new words or expressions to learn, which should hopefully mean a little more reading each day as your vocabulary increases. You could also set yourself increasing challenges, e.g. five minutes a day in the the first week, six minutes per day in the next week, etc.   Stopping reading news stories/ Giving up on news stories Because of how English news stories are usually organised with the newest info first and then things you might already know or fewer people need to know later, it is very normal to start at the top of each story and stop whenever it is boring to you. You therefore shouldn’t be shy to stop and move onto something else whenever you like.   What to do after reading the news in English Learning useful language from the news If you follow the methods above, you should have a list of words and expressions that you looked up later. However, you will find that some of these are less than useful, e.g. things that turned out to be place names or jargon that was explained elsewhere in the text, something that can be avoided by using a paper dictionary and ignoring words that don’t appear in it. Once you have eliminated such useless vocabulary, the rest of the words or phrases can be transferred to a list of words to learn, flashcards, a flashcard app, etc. Recycling the language of the news As well as memorising the vocabulary and reading related stories, you can work on learning the language by writing about or talking about the same stories. For instance, you could write about your reactions to the story in your English diary, or start a study group who all read news stories to present and discuss the next time that you meet. What to read next As mentioned above, it is often best to read more about the same story or the same kind of news to make that reading easier and useful for learning the new language in it. However, it is also good to sometimes read completely different stories to make sure that your range of vocabulary doesn’t become uneven, e.g. to make sure that you are learning business and economics vocabulary too, not all crime vocabulary. Similarly, it is even better to mix in some other completely different study such as watching documentaries and reading fiction. Re-reading the news Although it might seem boring, it can be interesting to come back to the exact same news story a week later or a month later to see how much you remember and to see how the news situation has changed since then.

Describing Xmas things and people games

Have something done coin games

Describing Xmas things and people games
Describing Xmas things and people brainstorming
Choose one of the things or people below and take turns trying to make true statements connected to Xmas until someone says something that isn’t true, repeats what someone has said before, or gives up.
Describing Xmas things and people guessing game
Choose one of the people or things below and give hints about which one you chose (without saying any part of the name) until someone guesses correctly, with only one guess per hint.
Christmas people and things to describe

baby Jesus
bad children/ naughty children
Daddy/ Dad/ Father
gingerbread man
good children
Jack (from A Nightmare Before Christmas)
Mary (mother of Jesus)
Mother/ Mummy/ Mum
postmen/ postal workers
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Santa/ Santa Claus
Santa’s elves
Santa’s reindeer

Suggested descriptions
Use these as extra hints for the guessing game and/ or see if you can add more descriptions below.
He can fly.
He is not a man.
He is beautiful.
baby Jesus
He is small.
He is sleeping.
He is cute.
bad children/ naughty children
They are worried on Xmas Eve.
They aren’t happy on Christmas Day.
They won’t get Xmas presents from Santa.
Daddy/ Dad/ Father
gingerbread man
He is delicious.
He is brown.
He has buttons.
He has candy eyes.
He is sweet.
good children
Jack (from A Nightmare Before Christmas)
Mary (mother of Jesus)
Mother/ Mummy/ Mum
postmen/ postal workers
They are busy in December.
They have heavy bags.
It is brightly coloured.
It is cold and hungry.
Its body is red.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
He can fly.
His nose can make light.
He has a red nose.
Santa/ Santa Claus
He is fat.
He is cheerful.
He is hardworking.
He has white hair.
He has a beard.
He is busy in December.
He is kind.
His laugh is loud./ His laugh is noisy.
He eats and drinks in many houses.
Santa’s elves
They are short.
They have big ears.
They are hardworking.
They wear green clothes.
Santa’s reindeer
They can fly.
They are fast.
They like eating carrots.
They have long faces.
They have big teeth.
They are fast.
They are busy in December.
He doesn’t move.
He looks bored.
He likes cold weather.
He doesn’t like the sun.
It is worried before Xmas.
It is not intelligent./ It is stupid./ It is not clever./ It is not smart.
It is ugly.
It’s is bigger than a chicken.
It is big.
It is fat.

IELTS Essay – School Sports in the Curriculum

Alternatives to the IELTS Exam

by Ani Grigorova


Some people believe that competitive sports, both team and individual, have no place in the school curriculum. How far do you agree or disagree?Competitive sports and P.E. classes have always been a part of the school curriculum. However many people underestimate their importance and even think that team and individual sports should be abolished. My personal opinion is that such activities and sports are a “must” for kids and students and I strongly disagree with the prior statement. First of all, it is widely known that sports and physical activity provide a wide range of health benefits. Daily exercise prevents obesity and develops the muscles, which is vital for young kids and teenagers, since that is the time they are growing and developing the most.Along that, playing sports and simply using the body more than the mind, could be an excellent stress-reliever, thus bringing benefits for the students’ mental health. Sitting on a desk all day, studying complex subjects could be stressful and after hours, the brain simply gets tired and further studying is quite counter-productive. P.E. classes provide a great break for the brain, since the body is more used. And after that, students can proceed with their studies, feeling refreshed and with their brains rested. That is significantly more productive than burning out the kids’ brains by non stop studying.In addition, team sports are great for teaching the students rather useful soft skills, such as communication, team work, leadership and cooperation. Sports such as football, basketball, etc. teach the kids to rely on one another and work together. And the greatest advantage of this is that those soft skills are not only applied in sports, they would be of a great use in offices and the professional field in general, so by playing team sports, students learn a plethora of skills, which can be applied in their future professional lives.Even though some people underestimate sports at school, I strongly believe that they must remain in the school curriculum. More physical activity means healthier children, both physically and mentally and sports teach many useful skills, which could even benefit the students’ future.

“I think these eBooks are FANTASTIC!!! I know that’s not academic language, but it’s the truth!”

How to read graded readers

How to read graded readers

At every level below Advanced, most of your reading in English should be material that was written to be the right level for you, e.g. a Pre-Intermediate reading text if you are at A2 level. The highest quality, most interesting, and most motivating range of graded reading materials are easy readers for language learners such as those from Black Cat and Oxford Bookworms. This article gives hints on how to choose, read, judge and learn from such graded readers. It was based on experience of both using graded readers to help students learn English and as of using graded readers to learn other languages, so this article should also be relevant to learning French, Greek, Japanese, etc.   How to choose graded readers The most important thing is finding graded readers which are interesting to you. Luckily there is everything from children’s fantasy fiction to business books, including things related to many popular movies and TV programmes, so something suitable for you is definitely available. More obviously, you also need a reader at the right level for you. Each publisher will have their own guide to what their levels mean, but the systems usually start at Level 1 for beginner/ pre-A1, then Level 2 for elementary/ A1, etc. They generally go up to Level 6 for Advanced, or maybe Level 7 for proficiency/ C2. The tip below on judging a graded reader could also help if you have access to the book before you choose it.
If you also want to improve your listening, you might also want to look for a graded reader that comes with recordings such as mp3 files or a CD (as most do).   How to judge a graded reader When you start reading a graded reader, a book which has between one and three unknown words or expressions per page is probably the right level for you. If there is more new language than that, it might be worth trying something easier. If there is no new language on most pages of the book, then you are ready for something more challenging such as a Level 4 book if you were reading one at Level 3.   How to read a graded reader Graded readers should be read mainly for pleasure, which means that you read them at a natural speed to enjoy the story, to find the content interesting, etc, just as you would with books in your own language. This obviously means reading silently (not out loud), and can include skipping bits which are less interesting such as long descriptions. This reading style will be more motivating, make the content (and therefore the language) more memorable, and increase your reading speed. If you also want to look up new language such as unknown vocabulary, you can do this at the same time by underlining things which are difficult to understand while you are reading, but only stopping later to look things up. For example, you could underline every new word and unknown collocation while reading the three pages of Chapter 1, then stop to check them in your dictionary.   What to do with new language from graded readers One of the top selling points of graded readers is that almost all of the new vocabulary will be useful to learn, unlike books for native speakers which tend to have much rarer language such as dated idioms. If you follow the reading techniques above, it is easy to transfer new vocabulary to a list of things to learn when you stop to use a dictionary after one page, one chapter, etc. This can then be put on flashcards, put into a smartphone flashcard app, etc, to be memorised.   When to quit graded readers As you need to be mainly reading for pleasure, any book which becomes uninteresting should be put aside and be replaced with something more motivating.   What to do after reading graded readers To make the language of the book really stick in your mind, it can be very useful to talk about and/ or write about what you read. For example, you could mention the content of your latest graded reader in your English diary, talk about it to your English teacher, or even set up a book club.   What to read next Before you choose your next book, think about whether the last one was too easy, too difficult or exactly the right level, and change level for the next book if necessary. Especially if the last book was very interesting, it will both easy and good revision to read something similar such as another murder mystery, as it will probably contain similar vocabulary.   Re-reading graded readers As long as it is still interesting, it can be great revision to quickly re-read a book a few months later, preferably erasing any notes you made on the pages before you re-reading so you can check how much you remember.   When to move to authentic texts Many people need to use texts written for native English speakers for their work, other studies, etc, but for language learning purposes the majority of reading texts should be graded ones until Advanced level. Upper Intermediate is a good time to start upping the number of authentic texts (perhaps to around 30%).

IELTS Band 7 Essay Samples

Alternatives to the IELTS Exam

These are IELTS band 7 essay samples that have been given grades (of 7 or 7.5) and basic comments on the score for each criteria by an experienced IELTS instructor. 

Topic: Migration to Cities (Band 7)

Young people are leaving their homes in rural areas to work or study in cities. What are the reasons?Do the advantages of this development outweigh the drawbacks?The comparison of standards of the cities and small town or villages has been always a debate. Recently, teenagers choose to live in the cities rather than their home villages because of school or job opportunities. This essay will discuss multiple reasons behind this trend and explain why the advantages of being in a city do indeed outweigh its drawbacks.There are several reasons to desire living in urban areas. Firstly, it gives people an opportunity to study in better schools which cannot be found in rural areas. Since in the modern world education means very much for people’s future, it is crucial to have higher education degrees for those individuals to find well-paid jobs. In addition to that, city life provides people with completely different experiences than their home villages. Thanks to the schools, work or social gathering places, they get to meet a greater number of people from all around the country compared to their rural towns which is crucial for one’s personal development. Lastly, in the cities, not only they get bigger number of job options, but also they can earn larger amount of money. It is very well know that job market is significantly limited in the villages also the current jobs barely pay enough. It is clearly seen that benefits of leaving villages outweigh its few number of deficits. It is worth to mention that people face some issues, such as being away from their extended family, more competitive and challenging job market, and substantially more expensive living cost, when they move to the cities. Advantages like learning and exploring new experiences, getting a better education leading to a better paid job and having an interesting career, however, surpass the number of the drawbacks of this development. To conclude, there are various reasons for young generation to leave their homes to live in the cities and this movement’s benefits easily outweigh its disadvantages.

Task Response: 7
The question is answered and ideas are supported. The benefits have been discussed in body paragraph one – the drawbacks would need to be given a bit more discussion in the second body paragraph in order to achieve 8 or 9. As the question clearly indicates that there are drawbacks, these should be given adequate attention. 
Coherence & Cohesion: 7
This IELTS band 7 essay sample is well-organised with a mix of transition signals and some good use of referencing and substitution. Slightly too many transitions in initial position in body paragraph one.
Lexical Resource: 7
There is a good mix of relevant topic related vocabulary of reasonably high level and a good awareness of collocation. More uncommon words and phrases would be needed for a band 8.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 7
Good range and mix of complex sentences and forms, though some grammar errors are evident, particularly in the latter part of the essay.

Topic: Lack of Leisure Time (Band 7.5)

In some countries young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard on their studies. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?There is no doubt that having some leisure time during studying reenergizes the brain to continue working efficiently. However, students in some countries are under extreme pressure to study hard and therefore, they have minimal leisure time. The possible reasons for this trend as well as suggested solutions will be discussed in details. One possible reason for students to face a lot of pressure to work hard on their education with no time off would be the high cost of education. For instance, expensive courses put a financial burden on families and students which forces the students to try hard to complete these courses successfully and quickly. As a result, these students ignore the need for some spare time and focus on their study work. Another possible reason would be the amount of study materials which is becoming extensive for a short semester. Consequently, this pressure leaves no choice for students except to study as hard as possible to be able to finish this material on time. Thus, it is obvious that these students have no time left to have some leisure activities.However, some solutions could be suggested to help solve this problem. One possible solution would be reducing the cost of educational courses in these countries by government fundings. By doing this, both the students and their families would have less financial pressure and therefore the students could be less stressed during their studies which might enable them to have some free time. Another solution would be study groups, if students study in groups, then each one of the group members could summarize part of the curriculum and shares it with the rest of the group. This would save a lot of time for all of the students in the group and as a result the amount of pressure would be reduced. These suggestions could help the students to have some leisure time which is important for them to stay focused. In conclusion, there are many reasons that put the students in some countries under stress and pressure to study hard and leave them no time for leisure activities, however, the above suggested solutions could tackle this problem and allow the students to have some study free time which is essential for them to recharge their energy.

Task Response: 8
It’s a very good essay that is clearly organised and answers the question. It presents a well-developed response to the question with relevant, extended and supported ideas.
Coherence & Cohesion: 8
Ideas and information are sequenced logically in the IELTS band 7 essay sample; all aspects of cohesion are well-managed; paragraphing is used sufficiently and appropriately. 
Lexical Resource: 7
Though there is good use of vocabulary and only a few errors, there is not enough evidence of skillfull use of uncommon lexical items to merit an 8.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 8
Uses a wide range of structures; the majority of sentences are error-free; makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies.

Topic: Dangerous Sports (Band 7)

Large numbers of people participate in sports that are extremely dangerous.Why do you think people do this?How can the risks of participation be minimised?Today many games are being played all over the world. Some of them are extremely risky and life threatening. Despite of these facts their popularity is growing and many people are playing such games on a professional level. This essay will identify the reasons why people are playing such life threatening games and provide some practical approaches to minimize the risk associated with these games. First of all we need to find out the reason why such dangerous games are becoming so popular. To start with, the major attraction for players is good money that could be earned from a single game in just one day. This type of quick money increases stimulation among many players to adopt games such as boxing, wrestling, bull riding etc. Perhaps, fame and popularity is another compelling reason that encourages people to choose certain games. Furthermore, its proven that it is human nature to accept challenges and do things differently. Many players love to accept challenges and they want to astonish the world by their unique talent and skills. As these games are now being introduced in the world and many people are joining them it is important to reduce risks by introducing some policies and procedures. For instance, anyone who wants to participate in particular games would not be allowed to play it until he/she deemed hundred per cent competence in required skills and knowledge. Secondly, it is important to endorse high quality personal protection equipment and training to combat risk associated with games. In conclusion, excellent level of policies, procedures and training are integral part of treating the risks associated with such games.

Task Response: 7
All parts of the task are covered in this IELTS band 7 essay sample, a clear position is presented. Some main ideas are a bit generalised and would need to be more specific to reach an 8.
Coherence & Cohesion: 7
Essay is logical with a clear progression. A range of cohesive devices are used. Each paragraph has a clear central idea. Some more sophisticated cohesive devices would be needed for an 8.
Lexical Resource: 7
Sufficient range of vocab and some less common vocab used, but some errors in word choice / formation prevent a band 8.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 7
The IELTS band 7 essay sample overall has very good grammar, but there is an error in quite a few of the sentences. Most are quite minor but a couple of very noticeable and the candidates need to take care with this to avoid a drop to a 6.

Topic: Reading & Writing Skills (Band 7)

Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills.To what extent do you agree or disagree?It is often said that the Internet’s creation in the nineteenth made easier the way in which people could learn, work and study. The use of computers and mobile phones was seen at first as a democratization of knowledge, culture, and books. However, I think that this primary ideology was totally wrong following the side effects and trajectory and use of these devices. Indeed. I do think that computers and mobile phones for communication have a negative effect on people’s reading and writing skills, especially for young people. First, young people have been raised with mobiles and computers. The problem is that most of the content shared on computers and mobile phones, especially because of the use of social, are videos, images, and emoticons. For example, to get informed of the news, people used to communicate with others, write letters to people who were informed of the situation, or read newspapers before the Internet was created.  Today, most -if not all young people are being informed by watching videos on the Internet and socials. As a result, we can attest that young people are getting used to a virtual world made of videos and images. But not only are newspapers concerned, but also all kinds of information. Indeed, when young people, especially students, needed to find information for a school project they were confronted with what a lot of young people are “reluctant to” today: opening a book, an encyclopedia. Indeed, many young people are being disinterested in books as computers and mobiles are making on-web research easier and faster. Young people are, as a result, reading less and hoping to find quickly a piece of information instead of reading an entire article about it. For example, who reads an entire book about a country to communicate with someone from another country when they can just find a short article about the culture they are trying to know better? Nevertheless, writing skills are also strictly damaged by computers and mobiles. Because we are more connected to people thanks to computers and mobiles, we increase the process of talking with everyone, everywhere, the fastest as it can be. Before, thanks to the use of letters, people had time to think about what they would write and how they would like their text to be perfectly spelled and well written. Not only letters but also phone calls would help people develop their writing skills as you could not use abbreviations and slang as people do every day by texting.  A single image-a yellow face called a smiley- can replace dozens of words if not more. People are developing slang, image, videos, and GIF language instead of writing what they feel, think, and want to say in a text. Also,  vocal messages become a threat to reading and writing as these two skills are becoming useless in computers and mobile communication. In addition, creating a technology through which users of these devices are enabled to dictate a sentence that the mobile will write in a text makes people even more unskilled in writing and reading. To conclude, the prominent use of mobiles and computers for communication has numerous negative effects on young people’s writing and reading skills. Indeed, it keeps them away from reading and especially writing because of vocal messages and the creation of slang. Communication becomes a way for people to tell what they have to say without thinking about what they are writing and saying. 

Task Response: 8
Generally a very good answer with lots of support. I think it would be better without this: “Also,  vocal messages become a threat to reading and writing as these two skills are becoming useless in computers and mobile communication. In addition, creating a technology through which users of these devices are enabled to dictate a sentence that the mobile will write in a text makes people even more unskilled in writing and reading”. You don’t explain what you mean about vocal messages. It’s not really clear what the overall main idea of this paragraph is.
Coherence & Cohesion: 6
It’s a shame as this could have been an 8, but you have this errors in body para 3 – “Nevertheless”. This is an additional negative idea, not contrasting information. For 7 and up there can be over/underuse of CC but there shouldn’t be errors in use. An examiner might perhaps overlook it and give you 7.Also as I said that last body paragraph is not great for CC.
Lexical Resource: 8
Mostly very good grammar but there are errors – an example:use of social – should be ‘social media’
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 7
Mostly very good grammar but there are errors – some examples:newspapers concerned – newspapers can’t be ‘concerned’, not sure what you mean here.are being disinterested – should be “are disinterested”.Indeed. I do (comma, not full stop)

Topic: Job Satisfaction (Band 7.5)

Considering that adults spend much of their lives at work, having job satisfaction is extremely important. What factors contribute to job satisfaction?How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all employees?In this essay, I will state two main factors that contribute to job satisfaction, namely fulfillment and flexibility, and explore possible reasons why job satisfaction, although certainly an objective for many, cannot be achieved by all.Though many companies advertise their employees as satisfied and content, it is undeniable that this cannot always be the case. Few people would believe a manager saying that their factory workers are satisfied. I believe this has a lot to do with the factors that determine job satisfaction. For instance, in most cases, in order for someone to be satisfied at their job there must be something for them to succeed in, be it a personal or shared goal. The factory example works perfectly: people working in a factory hardly find a purpose in what they are doing different to generating a stable monthly income.Flexibility is a second element to be taken into consideration. What is meant by this is not flexible working hours, though those can certainly help too, but rather a chance to do and work on different tasks or projects and maybe even a possibility to scale them. This allows for a use of different skills, or a space to learn them, and constant new stimuli. Unfortunately, many jobs do not offer this kind of opportunity, resulting in repetitive and forced labour and effort.In conclusion, there are many ideas to be developed when talking about factors influencing job satisfaction, such as flexibility and fulfillment, and if some jobs offer both, the vast majority offers neither, which makes it impossible for every employee to experience satisfaction at their jobs.

Task Response: 7
Nearly an 8 but I think a bit more detail and explanation could be given to some of the ideas and perhaps a few more ideas of support. For instance more could be explained about why or what jobs don’t have flexibility. A band 8 or 9 also is likely to be able to write a bit more.
Coherence & Cohesion: 8
It’s well organised and all aspects of cohesion are managed well.
Lexical Resource: 8
Generally very good use of vocabulary with few errors.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 7
You have good grammar here but I think in certain places it could show a bit more sophistication/complexity. For instance, I showed you above where a complex pronoun would be better as without this the sentences look a bit choppy and short. And this sentence sound a bit awkward with two ‘ands’: “resulting in repetitive and forced labour and effort.”

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Band 7+ eBooks
“I think these eBooks are FANTASTIC!!! I know that’s not academic language, but it’s the truth!”Linda, from Italy, Scored Band 7.5

Phrases for explaining festivals and celebrations challenge

Have something done coin games

Phrases for explaining festivals and celebrations challenge
Use as many of the phrases on the next page as you can to describe (local/ regional/ national/ international) festivals and celebrations, starting with any you like.
Ask about any phrases that you couldn’t use, are not sure you used correctly, etc, working as a class to make suitable sentences about festivals and celebrations each time.
Brainstorming stage
Without looking below, write as many suitable phrases as you can in each space below.
Phrases for explaining names (including translating names)
Phrases for comparing festivals and celebrations
Phrases for talking about the history of festivals and celebrations
Phrases for talking about how common things are
Phrases for talking about parts of the festival or celebration
Other useful phrases for describing festivals and celebrations
Compare below. Many others are possible, so check if you wrote something different.

Phrases for explaining names (including translating names)

(which is) (also) (officially/ unofficially) known as/ called/ nicknamed…
The direct (= literal) translation of… is…/ Translated word for word … would be…
The normal (= usual) translation for … is…
… can (also) be translated as…
Although there’s no obvious translation, … could be explained as…
People say… when they are talking about…
… is often explained as…
… means (something like)…
…’s name comes from…

Phrases for comparing festivals and celebrations

Similar to in…, people…
… has something/ quite a lot/ a lot in common with… but…
… is (a bit/ something) like (the British/ American/ Chinese/ Korean/…)… (but…)
… is similar to… in (name of country) (because…) (but…)
… also exists in China/ Korea/ most Asian countries/… (but…)
… only exists in … (and a couple of other places) and is…
… is a kind of/ sort of…
… is (closely/ partly/ seemingly) based on…
… is a variation on/ a version of…

Phrases for talking about the history of festivals and celebrations

Nowadays,/ These days,/ In the modern day…,…
According to the legend/ to myth/ to locals/ to…,…/ … is said to/ thought to…
…’s origins lie in…/ It is based on…/ It originates…
… started/ became popular/ spread to…/ … when…
… is changing/ has changed/ is likely to change
… has become (more/ less/ more and more/ less and less) popular/ famous/…

Phrases for talking about how common things are

It (mainly) consists of…
The most common… is…
It’s available…

Phrases for talking about parts of the festival or celebration

It begins/ ends with…
It progresses from… to…
Before/ After it takes place…

Other useful phrases for describing festivals and celebrations

It takes place…
… take part/ participant.
In order to celebrate this (properly)/ In order to, people…/ you need to…
It’s a time when…
People are (not) supposed to/ allowed to…

One Word or Two? — bigwords101

One Word or Two? — bigwords101

Image by xenostral from Pixabay
There are many instances of one-word or two-words confusion in the English language. So please, if you must use a lot it is two words! As is thank you.
But this post deals with a specific category in the “one word or two” dilemma. These are the words that are generally two words when used as verbs and one word when used as nouns or adjectives. To further complicate matters, when used as adjectives, sometimes they are hyphenated.
I have seen so many people write, “I am going to the gym to workout.”  Or “You need to login to the computer.” Nope.
Here are some examples of words that are two when used as verbs and one when used as nouns or adjectives. This is not a comprehensive list.
Back up the computer. (verb) –  It’s time to do a backup of the computer. (noun)
Break down the steps for me. (verb) – My computer had an apparent breakdown. (noun)
I need to check up on her. (verb) – It is time for my yearly checkup. (noun)
Clean up this mess (verb). – I am on the cleanup committee. (adjective)
Count down from 100 to 1 (verb). – There is a countdown as the ball drops on New Years. (noun)
I need to follow up on that idea. (verb) – I have a follow-up appointment. (adjective)
I hang out with my friends. (verb) – I know a great hangout for pizza. (noun)
Please hook up my dress. (verb) –  I am not interested in a hookup with you. (noun)
Log in to the computer.(verb) – Do you know your login information? (adjective)
Look out for the train! (verb) – The lookout area is on top of the mountain. (noun)
Take off that awful tie. (verb) – The plane is ready for takeoff. (noun)
Take out the trash. (verb) – I am ordering takeout for dinner. (noun)
I need to wake up early. (verb) – Did you get a wakeup call? (adjective)
Warm up before you exercise. (verb) – Did you finish your warmup? (noun)
I work out in the morning. (verb) – That was quite a workout! (noun)

Is Grammarly Premium Worth It—Pros and Cons Explored

Is Grammarly Premium Worth It—Pros and Cons Explored

Grammarly is an online editing software widely recognized as a popular tool among writers, editors, and proofreaders. It offers advanced features and comprehensive grammar-checking capabilities and has become a valuable asset for writing assistance. 
Editing and proofreading practices are crucial in producing high-quality written content; they ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Meticulously reviewing and correcting errors and structural issues allows writers and editors to create readable materials for their chosen audience. Grammarly can help make this process more efficient.
This article explores Grammarly Premium and the software’s paid subscription and explains its pros and cons. If you are unsure whether the free or paid version is best for your needs, this is the article you need to compare cost vs. benefits and explore the experiences of users like yourself. 
What Are Grammarly Premium Features?

The free version of Grammarly includes basic grammar and spelling checks, which help identify and correct punctuation, subject-verb agreement, and spelling mistakes. It also suggests sentence structure improvements and basic writing clarity through dialect and tone detection. It offers basic citation suggestions as well through various integration options via app or website use. 
As comprehensive as this sounds, the premium version provides so much more. 
Grammarly Premium offers various advanced features that go beyond the basic grammar-checking abilities of the free version. Premium allows access to a suite of tools designed to enhance writing in various ways.
Advanced Grammar Checks 
Grammarly Premium provides more in-depth analysis and suggestions for improving sentence structure, word usage, and punctuation. It helps users identify complex grammatical errors, such as verb agreement, pronoun usage, and modifier placement.
Vocabulary Enhancement Suggestions
This feature helps users diversify vocabulary use and elevate writing styles. Grammarly Premium offers alternative word choices and suggestions to improve sentence variety and avoid redundancy. It can also provide synonyms to replace commonly used words.

Genre-Specific Writing Style Checks
Premium recognizes that different writing styles and genres have unique conventions. It provides tailored suggestions based on the specific genre or type of writing, such as academic papers, business documents, creative writing, or casual communication. This feature ensures that users adhere to the appropriate writing style.
Plagiarism Detection
Grammarly Premium includes a plagiarism checker that scans written content against a vast database of sources to identify any instances of potential plagiarism. It helps users maintain academic integrity and ensure originality in their work. The plagiarism detection feature provides detailed reports and highlights sections that may require citation or further revision.
How Do Free vs. Premium Grammarly Features Compare?

Basic Grammar and Spelling Checks

Basic Citation Suggestions

Structure Improvement Suggestions

Dialect and Tone Detection

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Genre-Specific Writing Style Checks

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Personalized Writing Insights

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Performance Stats and Goals

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Access Across Multiple Devices

What Are the Pros of Grammarly Premium?
Grammarly Premium offers various advantages that elevate your writing experience to the next level. Below, I outline some of the key benefits that make Grammarly Premium an indispensable tool for writers.

Enhanced accuracy: Grammarly Premium offers advanced grammar checks, vocabulary enhancement suggestions, and genre-specific writing style checks. 
Time savings: It eliminates the need for manual proofreading and editing.
Versatility across writing styles and formats: Whether you’re writing an academic paper, professional document, creative piece, or casual communication, Grammarly Premium provides tailored suggestions and recommendations to suit the specific requirements of each genre.
Plagiarism detection: Premium scans your writing against a vast database to identify potential instances of plagiarism, helping you maintain originality and academic integrity.
Writing insights and goals: The program provides personalized writing insights and performance stats to track your progress and improve your writing skills over time. Additionally, you can set writing goals to stay motivated and achieve specific milestones.
Ease of use across devices: It offers seamless access across multiple devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 
Customer support: Subscribers to Premium receive enhanced customer support for prompt assistance for any technical or usage-related queries or concerns.

What Are the Cons of Grammarly Premium?
While it offers several advantages, Grammarly Premium also has some potential disadvantages:

Cost: It requires a subscription, and some users may find the pricing to be a drawback, especially if they have budget constraints or don’t require all the advanced features.
Reliance on software: While Grammarly Premium is a powerful tool for improving writing, it’s important to balance its use with developing your writing skills. Over-reliance on the tool may hinder the opportunity to develop your grammar and editing abilities.
Contextual limitations: Grammarly Premium relies on algorithms and predefined rules, which can sometimes miss the subtle nuances or specific meanings that require human interpretation.
Interpretation of complex grammar: Grammarly Premium may struggle with complex sentence structures or intricate grammar rules and might not always provide accurate suggestions or understand the intended meaning.
Limited language support: While Grammarly covers a wide range of languages, its advanced features and comprehensive support are primarily available for English language users. Users who write in languages other than English may find limited functionality.

What Is the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Grammarly Premium?

The cost-benefit analysis of Grammarly Premium depends on several factors:

Cost: Grammarly Premium is a paid subscription service, so the cost is a significant consideration. Users must evaluate whether the features and improvements offered by Grammarly Premium justify the subscription fee.

Benefits: Premium subscribers can enjoy more advanced features, including:

Advanced writing assistance
Plagiarism detection
Vocabulary enhancement
Document type analysis

Increased productivity: Streamlining the writing and editing process can save time and effort, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
Improved writing skills: Grammarly Premium’s advanced feedback and suggestions can help you develop stronger writing skills over time.
Personal preference: Some users may simply prefer Grammarly Premium’s convenience and comprehensive features, even if they do not strictly require all of its functionalities.

Comparison with Other Editing Tools
When determining whether Grammarly’s cost is worth it, you should always consider other similar software. Compare their features alongside cost to ensure you receive the best cost-benefit ratio for your needs. 
ProWritingAid is a popular alternative to Grammarly Premium. It offers advanced grammar and style-checking features and provides comprehensive suggestions to improve sentence structure, clarity, and readability.
ProWritingAid also offers genre-specific writing style checks and a plagiarism checker. Its cost is generally lower than Grammarly Premium, making it a more affordable option for users who prioritize cost-effectiveness.
Hemingway Editor
Hemingway Editor focuses on improving the readability and clarity of writing. It highlights complex sentences, excessive adverbs, and passive voice. Hemingway Editor is a standalone desktop application that offers a one-time purchase price. It’s a cost-effective option for users who prefer a simple yet effective tool for enhancing their writing. It does not, however, offer a plagiarism checker. 
Ginger is another writing tool on the menu. It has grammar correction, spell-checking, sentence rephrasing, and vocabulary improvement. Ginger is suitable for non-native writers because it also supports multiple languages.
Its pricing is generally lower than Grammarly Premium’s, so it’s a more affordable option for users on a tight budget. However, it does not always offer comprehensive suggestions as well. 
When making a decision, consider the following:

ProWritingAid stands out with its affordability and extensive grammar and style-checking capabilities. 
Hemingway Editor emphasizes readability and simplicity, making it a good choice for users who prioritize clear and concise writing. 
Ginger is suitable for users who require grammar and spelling checking across multiple languages at a lower cost.
Grammarly provides comprehensive grammar, style, citation-checking capabilities, and advanced plagiarism comparisons. 

User Experiences and Testimonials

The feedback from various user segments, including students, professionals, and writers, regarding Grammarly is a mix of positive and negative reviews. Students find the suggestions for sentence structure and clarity beneficial, while professionals value Grammarly’s ability to enhance their written communication.

However, both find the advanced grammar checks and vocabulary enhancement features helpful but have mentioned that Grammarly’s suggestions can be overly cautious. 
Writers appreciate its ability to improve clarity and readability and find personalized performance stats valuable for tracking their progress. However, some feel that grammar checks can be too rigid and may not fully understand the nuances of creative writing or complex sentence structures.
Here are some reviews from Grammarly users:

It checks for spelling and grammar errors and makes suggestions for better phrasing. I write reports and it is important for them to be error free. I am not a good typist and Grammarly is important to achieve good presentation error free reports. – Corbett/Trustpilot

I don’t have a knack for writing. Speaking and writing are two different things. How I wish I had a writing talent. I cannot always put my thoughts into writing coherently but am I glad Grammarly is here to correct me. Thank you, Grammarly. – Ping/Trustpilot

I only have the free version but so far it has helped my assignments in school. I am writing better essays that are better then before I had it. – Matt Bartleson/Trustpilot

Download Grammarly Here

Grammarly Premium offers various advanced features that can significantly enhance the editing and proofreading process. The feedback from users, including students, professionals, and writers, highlights its positive impact on writing accuracy and overall quality.
The advanced grammar checks, vocabulary enhancement, genre-specific writing style suggestions, and plagiarism detection make Grammarly Premium a valuable tool for refining written content. 
While alternative editing tools are available, Grammarly Premium stands out with its comprehensive suite of features and user-friendly interface. Although it comes with a subscription cost, the time-saving benefits and improved writing outcomes make Grammarly Premium worth considering for those seeking efficient and effective editing and proofreading assistance.

IELTS Essay: Children’s Free Time

Alternatives to the IELTS Exam

Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by parents. Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by parents. They claimed it was the best way to maximize the children’s potential and time. In addition, parents will be able to relax as they can fully guarantee that the children will not do anything that can harm themselves. Many parents fill the children’s free time with additional courses or lessons. They believe that children should learn as much as they can while they are still young. However, I personally believe that too much courses and lessons are giving children more stress and thus, hindering their maximum potential and even cause their healthy to deteriorate.On the other hand, others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time. They believe that children should learn how to manage and enjoy themselves. Futhermore, free time is the best way to explore and nurture hobbies. As a result, the children get to maximize their own potential free from any stresses and pressures.In my opinion, it is the best when parents do it moderately. It means that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time but neither all the time nor all the way they want. There should be still some limitations and prohibitions so that the free time for children is still supervised by parents. It is essential that children should be able to choose how to spend their own free time and therefore, they are able to know themselves and explore their potentials or simply release stress. But, as children are still young, they prone to not know what is wrong or right things, so they might want to do things that can harm themselves. Therefore, parents should still supervise and control children if the way children spend their free time deems to be harmful in anyway. Or, parents can organise children’s free time once in a while. For example, when the kids are lacking workout, the parents can schedule sports time.

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Cambridge First Speaking Part Four on festivals and celebrations

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Cambridge First Speaking Part Four on festivals and celebrations
with questions stems from Cambridge B2 First Speaking Part Four exams
Read through all the questions in your section below to make sure you understand them, then spend three or four minutes asking your partner(s) about those things. You can also ask follow-up questions like “Why…?” if the answer is short. Your teacher will tell you if you should follow the speaking exam format or not.
Student A

Are people in your country generally interested in celebrating traditional festivals, do you think?
Do you think children generally understand the reasons for festivals and celebrations? (Why?/ Why not?)
Do you think children should be taught about traditional festivals and celebrations in school?
Do you think it’s a good idea to give people cash instead of a present?
Do you think that people your age in your country spend too much on festivals and celebrations? (Why do you feel that way?)
Halloween is becoming more and more popular in some countries. Why do you think that is?
How important are birthdays in your culture? (What makes you say that?)
In what ways does retaining traditional festivals and celebrations benefit society?

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Student B

Do you think it’s better to give people presents that they ask for or to surprise them?
Do you think it’s important to have a nice funeral?
Do you think that people’s attitude to religious festivals is changing?
Do you think there is a danger that local festivals and celebrations could be replaced by American ones like Halloween?
How have wedding celebrations changed over the last twenty five years?
Is it important to understand the reason for a national holiday or do you think it’s enough to just have a day off? (Why?)
What is the most important festival or celebration for most people in your town or country, do you think?

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Student C

Are there advantages to letting children believe myths like the existence of Santa Claus?
Do you think that learning about festivals and celebrations in other countries is a good way to make children more open-minded about other countries and cultures?
Do you think that your government is doing enough to preserve the traditional way of life in your country? (Why do you think that?)
How do people usually mark the New Year? Do you usually do those things?
How important is it to celebrate coming of age?
Parents are spending more and more on Christmas presents. Why do you think that is?
Some people say that you shouldn’t celebrate Christian festivals such as Christmas if you aren’t a Christian. What do you think?
Why, in your opinion, do some people not enjoy family celebrations?